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Blog post 3: Characteristics in instructional design models

After reading this week’s post, I have analyzed why the following characteristics in Instructional design models are important:

Instructional design is learner-centered: Learner and his/her performance are the focal points. Teaching design should be learner-centered because different learners have different learning styles. If teachers want learners to learn knowledge to the maximum extent, they should develop teaching styles suitable for learners.

Instructional design is goal-oriented: Well-defined goals are essential. Learning without goals will lead to low learning efficiency, so it is very important for learners to set goals.

Instructional design typically is a team effort. This process usually involves teamwork. If only one person designs the teaching method, the designed teaching method will have many shortcomings. It will be suitable for most learners to sum up the teaching experience and work out the specific teaching method together. Experience plays a very important role in teaching design.

1 Comment

  1. yiyangwei

    Hi, ZhiWen. Thank you for summarizing the learner-centered content of instructional design and the goal-oriented content of instructional design. The relationship between teamwork and experience you put forward made me think more about instructional design models. I hope we can read more about this in the future study of this course and think about how to put it into practice.Thank you for your sharing!

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